Collection: Mimic Miniatures

Collection: Mimic Miniatures

Our selection of Mimic Miniatures are hilariously crazy. Most definitely a winner by Broken Anvil from We Print Miniatures.

Take Mimic Clock, a Fantasy Miniature by Broken Anvil is like an ancient antique. But don't rely on it to get you to an appointment, Unfortunately, time keeping is not one of its strong points! 

The postie should beware of Mimic Door, a Fantasy Miniature by Broken Anvil, which has a contract out on anyone who tries to deliver letter. Parcels? No chance! Often gets into fights with people delivering junk mail, well, that's OK then.

Watch out for teeth marks in your rear if you sit on Mimic Stool, a Fantasy Miniature by Broken Anvil from We Print Miniatures. This is a hilarious addition to the game board and you can look forward to it chewing up your opponents and spitting them out.  

These 32mm Scale Mimic Miniatures are as originally designed by their originators, this is their artistic work without addition or alteration, from We Print Miniatures, forming a fascinating collection that you can now own at home.

Mimic Miniatures