Leprechaun Fantasy Football Team Miniatures

Collection: Leprechaun Fantasy Football Team Miniatures

Wishing the Leprechaun Fantasy Football Team all the luck of the Irish. They'll need it with these little fellas from We Print Miniatures on the field.

Whether they're playing for laughs, or just trying to distract the opposition, these cheery little fellows are having a ball. There's not a lot that cutesy about these little terrors, though. It is useful to be able to call on your Leprechaun chainsaw Star Player to remove your rivals' legs at the knees if it looks as though you might lose the match.

Small but Might Leprechaun Football Team Miniatures

Nothing wrong with getting yourself an unfair advantage if nobody is looking! Every good team needs a cheerleader and Cross Lances' Leprechaun Fantasy Football Team has one, holding a pint of foaming Guinness, or could it be Murphy's?

One thing's for sure, by the time this player has polished off the barrel it will be completely out of this world and incapable of doing a victory jig. Nice bases with these figures.