Collection: Farrat Ferret Miniatures

Collection: Farrat Ferret Miniatures

If you've got a badass plan to carry out then look no further than We Print Miniatures  Farrat Ferret range of models from Cast n Play. 

All geared up and ready for some illegal ferreting is Farrat Thief B Pet Companion Miniature which has already helped itself to some ill-gotten gains. Unfortunately our Farrat has a big gob so if caught is likely to dob you in.

Every team needs a dog-like pet to put the bite on the enemy and Farrat Archer B Pet Companion Miniature comes ready equipped with a bow. Just make sure you don't accidentally fire the animal instead of an arrow, that wouldn't go down too well.

For an animal in disguise opt for Farrat Bare A Pet Companion Miniature. Pretending to be on the enemy's side makes this animal the first choice when it comes to infiltrating your rival's ranks. They won't be able to resist its toothy charms and amiable character.