Collection: Crab Miniatures

Collection: Crab Miniatures

When you want to get your claws into something or someone We Print Miniatures certainly doesn't disappoint. These are Cast n Play models par excellence.

For starters we've got Crabe Cannon B Pet Companion Miniature, and if we find it terrifying you can only imagine what your gameboard rivals are going to think. Armed with the latest in space-going telescopes, or even a bazooka, this is one crab whose got the gain on nearly everyone it meets.

We particularly like Crabe Adventurer B Pet Companion Miniature. In truth, there's not much cuddly about this pet but if you're careful and handle it with tongs then you'll stay clear of too much damage. Good to point at your rivals though, especially when it puts the frighteners on them with that telescope. 

Our crab, which comes in a range of scales, that's sizes, not fish scales, has lots of lovely detail for the hobby painter.