Collection: Malifaux Compatible Miniatures

Collection: Malifaux Compatible Miniatures

Malifaux is a skirmish-level miniatures wargame set in a dark, alternate Earth called Malifaux. The game is known for its highly detailed miniatures, which represent various factions and characters from this twisted world. These miniatures are not just decorative; they are a crucial part of your strategy, affecting your crew's abilities and the outcome of battles.

Players use the miniatures to simulate combat scenarios on a tabletop battlefield, employing a variety of tactics to achieve their objectives. The miniatures are customizable, allowing players to equip them with different weapons and abilities. Malifaux has a dedicated fan base and has spawned numerous expansions, each introducing new miniatures and gameplay elements.

If you're a fan of skirmish-level wargames and enjoy the added complexity that miniatures bring, Malifaux offers a unique and engaging experience.