Collection: Cast N Play Companions and Pets Collection

Collection: Cast N Play Companions and Pets Collection

We Print Miniatures have got a great selection of Cast n Play Companions and Pets. Everything from  Sheppar to  a Merk, Crabe and Chameo. Spoiled for choice, really.

Take Merk Explorer A Pet Companion Miniature, an untidy looking individual but carrying a very important package in its knapsack. Definitely one to keep onside, you never know what it might do with that information if it strays into enemy territory.

Then there's Crabe Cannon B Pet Companion Miniature primed to blow your rivals out of the water, or even off the planet, the weapon is absolutely massive. The message is to show some respect when this Crabe has its finger on the trigger.

In a more homely touch, we've got Bimba Artificer A Pet Companion Miniature which has helpfully converted one of its legs into a hi-tech machine. It trots around looking for trouble and  is ace at dismantling anything electrical. Just be careful it doesn't get electrocuted. It missed the last college lesson on staying safe.

To keep an eye on the other side of the game board Aigle Explorer B Pet Companion Miniature is your best bet. Who would suspect a little old eagle soaring high overhead. Likely to give a nasty peck with that beak if its upset.

Cast N Play Companions and Pets Collection